Sunday 28 February 2010

First day of final piece filming.

Yesterday was our groups first day of filming for our final piece. Seeing as we had already decided we were going to film at Chilwell fields, that's where we met.
We needed the early morning due and feel for the scenes as our main character is supposed to be walking home from a party in the morning after the night before.
We got to the set at about six am to make sure everyone was there and see what it would look like to film at that time. It seemed that we didn't actually get round to filming until about 7am because when we turned the camera on earlier and got it into the position we wanted it, the lighting made it grainy and it still seemed a bit too dark.
So when we finally got to getting the right lighting, we started to film.
First of all though I needed to make sure that our main girl's costume was right and she needed a few minutes to get a little bit upset to allow her make-up to run that bit more and look a more authentic. By ripping different holes in her purple tights and doing a jacket and shoe swap, we finally got her to look just how we wanted.
Our first scene was of her walking across the bridge within the field, which went okay and didn't need re-taking. We then had another close-up shot of just her legs with her ripped tights. By then moving on we did quite well in getting a high-angle shot of her just walking around a corner, a low angle shot of her again walking and another close up shot of her face whilst she was walking.
I was watching over Rob as he did the camera work and Sarah made sure Ellie (our main actress) understood exactly what she was doing. I wanted to really make sure that all of our shots would be good enough to edit together and make good use of in joint with the flashback shots that we will soon film.
When we got off the field, Rob had the good idea of doing a close up shot of Ellie's high heels going through a puddle, giving the sequence a nice bit of effect, rather than just having the whole of her walking in each shot.
By then coming completely off the fields, I wanted a shot of Ellie walking across the road, hurrying. We did this shot but then Rob and Sarah came up with the idea of Rob standing in a bus shelter and Ellie running past him and him asking her if she was okay and her completely ignoring him. I really liked this idea too. After shooting that twice, we then needed a shot of Ellie on the pavement after the encounter looking more upset due to the fact that someone had just brought up how she was feeling.
After shooting all of that we then needed to get back to my house to shoot Ellie getting home and into her house. We all toyed with which shots would do the scene justice and decided in the end that we would have a long shot of her walking up the house's drive and then fumbling in her bag, which would then cut to a close up of her fumbling in her bag for her keys, then to a close up of the keys in the door being unlocked, then to someone coming up behind her and putting their hand on her shoulder and then finally to her turning round and seeing nothing.

The whole day was pretty successful, aside from the fact that I'm still not too sure if we got enough shots of every scene enough and might need to go back and see if we did it well enough to be able to put it together or not when we edit. Our next filming session (of the flashbacks) will be next Saturday when everyone can get together again.

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