As a group we firstly had the idea that we would do a thriller, to make it scary and entice the audience.
We then had the idea that we would have a person come to the door and walk in to a person on a sofa in a dark room. After they had walked in they would see a briefcase and look inside it to something a little less scary than how the scenes had already been. I did like this idea but I didn't really want the film to end happily, I though it would be ruined and wanted to go out with a bang.
Ashley then came up with the idea that we should have someone delivering a pizza. I liked this idea as it had reasoning behind the person actually coming to the house and we could end it badly if we wanted, which in the end we decided to do. We decided that a pizza man would walk to the door of a house in the evening and then walk in to a woman that looked quite scary and at the end of the scene the pizza man would end up being stabbed and would eventually die. We then wrote up our ideas onto the storyboards and I was very eager to start filming so did a quick sketch with the ideas for the dialogue and which shots to take from Sarah. We then had all our ideas and started filming, which can be seen in my next blog.
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