Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Another part of our planning would be the questionnaire. Sarah asked 10 individual college students what they though would make a great thriller, and here are the answers:

1. Do you prefer fast pace or slow for a thriller?
Fast – 4
Slow –6

2. Would you prefer lots of dialogue or less
Lots of dialogue - 3
Not so much - 7

3. Would you prefer a loud soundtrack behind the film?
Yes – 6
No - 4

4. Male or Female lead?
Male – 2
Female – 8

5. Would you prefer a large or small cast?
Large –3
Small –7

6. Would you have a mostly dark or light environment?
Dark –9
Light – 1

7. Which font do you prefer for opening credits?
Century Gothic - 1
Monotype Corsiva - 8
Papyrus -
Segoe Script - 1
Trebuchet MS -

8. Do you prefer opening titles to be?
Bold - 2
Underlined - 1
Italic - 5
Mix - 2

9. Where would you prefer it to be set?
Forest - 2
House -
Town – 1
Field - 3
Abandoned places – 4

10. How long would you prefer each credit to be on?
3 Seconds - 6
5 Seconds - 3
5+ Seconds - 1

Using this information, our film ideally should look like this:

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